Planetary Correspondances for Days of the Week
Utilizing astrology and planetary correspondances is just another tool in the witches toolbelt and can be incredibly useful no matter what magick you perform.
By knowning what planet (and its powers) are associated to every day, you can align your intention and magick; adding an additional power to your magick.
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Sunday - Sun
Sundays are ruled by the sun, a planet that is excellent for helping our wellbeing, self-expression, and vitality. In general its a safe day to perform any magick since the sun lends us power but it is especially excellent for new beginnings, confidence, and personal power that lends to growth.
Rituals Ideas:
Powers: Career, Confidence, Creativity, Health/Wellbeing, Illumination, Protection, Public Image. Success
Monday - Moon
Mondays are ruled by the moon which is all about divine feminine energy. It's power is excellent for diving into the subconcious and tapping into our emotions and intution. It is also a day of the home, family and bringing about peace.
Rituals Ideas:
Peppermint Floor Wash
Offerings to house spirits such as fresh flowers, honey, bread, milk, door wash, etc.
Divination or Shadow Work
Powers: Creativity, Family, Fertility, Healing, Home, Intuition, Peace, Sleep
Tuesday - Mars
Tuesdays are ruled by the planet mars. This energy is all about strength, courage, speed. You can use this energy for strength and competetion but it also is excellent for any purification, hex-breaking, protection, or exorcism that might be needed.
Ritual Ideas:
Powers: Competition, Courage, Exorcism, Hex-Breaking, Purification, Strength, Vitality
Wednesday- Mercury
Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, the planet known for communication. This is a perfect day for promoting wisdom and increasing your knowledge whether from books or divination. Any "difficult" talks can be eased by utilizing this day.
Rituals Ideas:
Mint Tea leaves divination reading
Almond latte for wisdom
Mint Lemonade for Clarity
Powers: Communication, Commerce, Divination, Mental Powers, Psychic Abilities, Wisdom.
Thursday - Jupiter
Thursdays are ruled by Jupiter, a planet known for its powers of luck, expansion and prosperity. If you want to increase your funds, luck or just general abundance; today is excellent.
Rituals Ideas:
Powers: Expansion, Growth, Luck, Legal Matters, Money, Prosperity
Friday - Venus
Fridays are ruled by the planet Venus. Venus is all about love, desire, friendship and sensuality. Use this day to love on yourself, bond with a friend, or bring intimacy in your relationship.
Rituals Ideas:
Beauty Ritual Bath with Roses, Lavender, Coconut Milk Powder
Dress up
Sex Magick
Powers: Beauty, Friendship, Love, Romance, Sensuality, Youth.
Saturday - Saturn
Saturdays are ruled by Saturn, the planet of tradition, discipline and systems. This power can lend itself to be quite useful in transformation, new beginnings, planning and breaking habits. It is also a great day to purify and clean up messes to start the week out on a fresh slate.
Rituals Ideas:
Releasing and Purifying Ritual Bath with Epsom Salt
Powers: Authority, Banishing, Binding, Endurance, Protection, Tradition, Self-Discipline, Transformation.