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Mint Lemonade: A Spell for Clarity

Welcome to Mercury Retrograde. It is a time when work gets accidentally deleted, confusion is abundant, and frustrations keep us from listening to our intuition.

I don't know about you, but I will use this time for my benefit. It's all about processing—rethinking, revisiting, and reliving. But even that can be hard when there is too much confusion and clarity to process.

So here is my mint lemonade—a refreshing drink that not only feels like spring has sprung but will also provide you with clarity so you can deal with retrograde the way it should be dealt with.

Ingredients and Their Magickal Properties - Kitchen Magick

As I always mention in my recipe posts, the purpose of my work as a kitchen witch relies on knowledge and intention.

Yes, this recipe will still taste delicious without transforming it into a spell. However, knowing your ingredients is essential to utilizing this recipe to help change your mind, body, and spirit.

Below is a list of each added ingredient and its extraordinary power for this recipe. Please note that this is not every magical benefit of this plant or herb; these are just the areas I believe should be focused on for this specific recipe.


Mint, the powerhouse of our spell, is terrific for communication, clarity, and mental powers. It helps us raise vibrations, remove obstacles, cleanse and refresh, and, overall, see between the lines.

Magickal Powers: Communication, Clarity, Purification, Refreshment, Mental Powers


Lemons are excellent purifiers. They are potent cleansers that leave behind a feeling of freshness and love.

We use lemons in our spell to remove blockages that could be causing confusion or discernment. This helps us gain a new perspective on areas of our lives.

Magickal Uses: Purification, Refreshing, Self Love


While sugar doesn't provide us with clarity, it does help promote self-love and sweeten. This can help when asking for clarity because even if we request it, it's pointless if we do not have the self-love we need to be honest with ourselves.

The sugar will not only bring about enough love, to be honest with ourselves and know we can handle it, no matter what but also help us see the sweeter side of the truth.

Magickal Powers: Self Love, Sweetening

Spell Recipe

Do you need to know how to tap into your magick and turn this into a complete spell? Read my article here.

*When adding your ingredients, remember to focus on the intention of the ingredient while working with it. (I.E., when cutting up and adding your apples, focus on the intention of health).


Simple Syrup

  • 1/2 cup water

  • 1/2 cup sugar

  • handful of fresh mint leaves, approximately 1 ounce


  • 4 - 5 lemons, or 1 cup lemon juice

  • 3 cups water


  1. Begin by making your simple syrup. Add sugar and water to a pot and bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce to a simmer, stirring frequently to prevent the sugar from burning. (Spirit of sugar, bless this drink with self-love and sweetening)

  2. While the syrup is simmering, crush the mint to help release the oils. (Spirit of mint, bless this drink with clarity and guidance.)

  3. Once the sugar is completely dissolved, add the mint. Remove from heat and cover. Allow simmering for approximately 10 minutes. Allow the syrup to cool completely before adding it to the lemonade mixture.

  4. Add ice, lemon juice, and 3-4 cups of water to a pitcher when the syrup is almost completely cool. (Spirit of lemon, bless this drink with purity and refreshment)

  5. Mix in the mint syrup.

  6. Drink to bring clarity into your life, especially where you need it the most. Through this dish, I bring in the blessings of clarity. May the universe provide me with transparency where I need it most. So as it's been, so as it is, so as it may be.


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My name's Maven and witchy momma and writer documentating the wonderfully mundane aspects of the Occult. I like to share my experience with folk, kitchen, and green magick along with other tidbits I find along my journey.

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Image by Annie Spratt

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