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Samhain Feast: Spell Recipes to Help Ring in the Witches' New Year

Samhain has always held a special place in my heart as both a time of deep reflection and vibrant celebration. It marks the final harvest, when we gather the last fruits of the earth and prepare for the coming winter. But beyond that, Samhain is the Witch’s New Year, a powerful moment to step back, honor the past, and set intentions for what lies ahead. For me, this season is about blending the old with the new—reaping the blessings I’ve worked hard for while planting seeds of hope and prosperity for the year to come. There’s a magic in the air, a sense of possibility as the veil thins and we can connect with our ancestors, seeking their wisdom and guidance as we walk our own path.

One of my favorite ways to honor this energy is through cooking and baking, weaving intention into each ingredient and every stir. I love focusing on prosperity, joy, and purification, clearing away the old to make room for what I truly desire. Baking treats like apple pies, breads, and hearty stews becomes more than just a meal; it’s a ritual, a way to honor those who came before me and to invite abundance into my life. As I cook, I visualize my ancestors by my side, feeling their warmth and support, knowing they are there as I step into the new year with purpose and gratitude. Through these simple, sacred acts in the kitchen, I prepare myself to walk into the next cycle with joy and a renewed sense of light.

Below are some of my favorite spell recipes to help you bring these energies into your home during fall and Samhain.

To think that all my spells and recipes will need tending is just insane and unrealistic.

Especially when I'm confused; we all get there when faced with decisions and paths. When we feel like we need to move but don't know where or how, the last thing that will benefit me is a complex, time-consuming spell when I'm in that state.

So enter my quick and easy spell for clarity: chicken pot pie. Perfect for the colder months, it's quick and simple, so you'll receive clear sight in no time.


Most purification or cleansing work we see on social media involves smoke cleansing.

I think this is just doubling your work. Plus, once I had my baby, I had to keep the smoke to a minimum for her health.

So, I doubled down on implementing purification and other spells into daily tasks.

Hence, my cleaning sprays. I always create different ones depending on what my intuition tells me I need, but this one is excellent for spring.

The use of Rosemary, Lemon, and Mint not only brings in a fresh, citrusy energy, but it will also bring in a sense of comfort, happiness, and a clean slate, perfect for a spring rebirth.


Certified kitchen witchery to bring in the energy of Samhain.

One thing to note before the breakdown, is most of these herbs have an association with masculine energy. This is great for the start of the witches' new year to call on divine masculine energy and set the stage for welcoming the action-based focus so you can spend your time embodying your divine feminine and being a creator.


The Witches' New Year isn't just about gratitude and the harvest. It’s a time when we need to find the peace within and allow rest to bring us to reflection.

The issue arises when we allow our culture, which prizes productivity, to take over this important time. It forces us to hold on to things that no longer serve us, push ourselves too far through exhaustion, and overall put us in a life we do not wish for.


As a kitchen witch, I fully believe we miss out on magickal energy of the food we eat. This includes all types of food and ingredients but Oats is one in particular. Mainly because of its frequent use, especially lately. From left to right all I'm hearing are about the current trends of overnight oats and baked oatmeal.

Those trends are not for any reason. Oats are rich in protein and fiber, they're gluten free (for any of my gluten-issued lovelies), helps stabilize blood glucose levels, and are also excellent for heart health and cholesterol.

But of course that's not all, it's heavy history in uses and lore lend us to its more spiritual abilities, one of those being abundance.


You read that title right. It's October, which, in my book, means we've already been into pumpkin season for a good solid two months.

Well, since I'm already two months late on providing you with this spell recipe, I'll let you skip the theatrics of my intros and lead you right into the magickal pumpkin goodness.


I'm finally letting you in on one of my favorite spell recipes. And I mean favorite. I bake this every week.

Why is it my favorite, you may ask? First, it's delicious (the most important thing for my spells), and second, it is easy. It's so easy, with few ingredients, and it's almost impossible to mess up (I say nearly as I have messed up the rising process with the yeast before). But finally, its basis of an abundance spell makes it very versatile.

Abundance is an excellent basis of energy to work with because you can focus on abundance in general and specify. What do you want an abundance of? Money? Love? Health? You name it.

That's what is so genius about making an abundance spell out of bread. Want abundant prosperity? Make some cinnamon sugar toast. Want abundant protection? Add some rosemary to make rosemary bread.


This Dutch Apple Pie for prosperity is the perfect spell for fall, blending the warming spices of cinnamon and nutmeg with apples, a timeless symbol of abundance and fortune. As the leaves turn and the air cools, we naturally turn to the hearth for warmth and nourishment, making this pie a beautiful way to invite prosperity into your life. Apples are deeply connected to autumn, representing the fruits of our labor and the rewards of a bountiful harvest. In folklore, they are symbols of luck and wealth, sweet reminders of the earth’s ability to provide for us. Adding cinnamon and cloves enhances this intention, as both are powerful prosperity-drawing spices, filling your home with an aroma that attracts good fortune and amplifies your abundance.


One thing I like to do on Samhain is a good fortune spell. I find that providing offerings to my ancestors during this time and explicitly asking for good fortune in return for the year generally yields prosperity coming my family's way.

Plus, it's divine. The cold weather now rolling in makes it almost necessary to start using warming spices


Welcome to a mystical culinary journey where the aroma of apples and spices dance in harmony, and the essence of health and vitality is woven into every bite.

In this recipe, we fuse the art of baking with the ancient craft of spellcasting, creating Apple Spiced Bran Muffins that not only tantalize the taste buds but also bestow upon you a spell of wellness and vitality.


When it comes to manifesting prosperity, why not let a little kitchen magick work its charm? These Apple Brown Butter Blondies are more than just a cozy, autumn-inspired treat—they’re a spell for abundance wrapped in warm, golden goodness. Apple, symbolizing growth, wisdom, and harvest, brings in energies of abundance and new opportunities, while butter is known for its nourishing qualities, attracting good fortune and support. Combined with the sweetness of brown sugar, which is perfect for drawing in loving, positive energy, each bite is like a whispered invitation to welcome prosperity into your life.


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My name's Maven and witchy momma and writer documentating the wonderfully mundane aspects of the Occult. I like to share my experience with folk, kitchen, and green magick along with other tidbits I find along my journey.

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Image by Annie Spratt

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