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Ritual Bath: A Spell for Enhancing Beauty

There is nothing I like better than a good ritual bath. It's relaxing, warming, full of healing water, just the ultimate mode for spellwork.

Ingredients and Their Magickal Properties - Kitchen Magick

As I always mention in my recipe posts, the purpose of my work as a kitchen witch relies on knowledge and intention.

Yes, this recipe will still taste delicious without transforming it into a spell. However, knowing your ingredients is essential to utilizing this recipe to help change your mind, body, and spirit.

Below is a list of each added ingredient and its extraordinary power for this recipe. Please note that this is not every magical benefit of this plant or herb; these are just the areas I believe should be focused on for this specific recipe.


Coconut is an underrated fruit in kitchen magick. It's full of healing moon energy and empowers recipes with beauty, confidence, and purification. All things that are perfect for our ritual bath for beauty.

I recommend grabbing some coconut milk powder for our recipe since it's incredibly soothing and hydrating and will make your bath wonderfully creamy. If unavailable, you can still get all the water energetic attributes by using coconut oil instead.

Magickal Powers: Healing, Beauty, Confidence, Purification


There is good reason that rosemary is associated with Aphrodite (other than mythology). Rosemary is anti-inflammatory, boosts collagen, hydrates, increases blood flow, you name it.

On the magickal front, rosemary is known for its power of beauty, love, and rest. These are all important things when we are working on boosting our goddess vibes.

Magickal Uses: Love, Rest, Beauty


Our fermented orchid, vanilla, holds associations with the feminine, water, and Venus.

For our ritual bath, vanilla helps promote self-love through comfort and peace. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman in her power comfortably holding herself in it.

Magickal Powers: Love, Comfort, Peace


We can thank our little bee friends for providing us with the rich golden sweetener that can help soften, brighten, and clear the skin. Honey is excellent for skin regeneration and softening.

According to Egyptian myth, honey was created from the bees that were created from Ra's tears (I mean, how bougie can you get?). The Greeks used honey to restore youth, and the Romans believed it provided eloquence.

Honey holds the power of the sun and the element of air. Its energies are attuned to purification, love, sex, and happiness.

Magickal Uses: Love, Beauty, Sweetening, Happiness, Youth

Spell Recipe

Do you need to know how to tap into your magick and turn this into a complete spell? Read my article here.

*When adding your ingredients, remember to focus on the intention of the ingredient while working with it. (I.E., when cutting up and adding your apples, focus on the intention of health).


  • 1/4 cup honey

  • 1/2 cup powdered coconut milk (or 1/4 cup melted coconut oil)

  • handful of rosemary

  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract (or 5-10 drops vanilla essential oil)


  1. Combine all ingredients in a bathtub and swirl clockwise with your hand, focusing on your intention of beauty, how it feels, and how it looks. Repeat the incantation while focusing on the intention. (May this bath bless me with beauty, youth, and confidence. May I gain the beauty and love of Aphrodite and feel the power from the inside out. So as it was, so as it is, so as it may be)


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My name's Maven and witchy momma and writer documentating the wonderfully mundane aspects of the Occult. I like to share my experience with folk, kitchen, and green magick along with other tidbits I find along my journey.

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Image by Annie Spratt

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