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Pumpkin Magick

It is officially fall, which means one thing to many "basic" girls like myself. It's pumpkin season.

Pumpkin lattes, muffins, and pies are all delicious foods. But as we performers of kitchen magick know, there's more to pumpkins than the nostalgia and cozy feelings of fall.

So let's get into how to utilize pumpkins to our witchy benefits.

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History & Lore

Planet: Moon

Element: Earth

Energies/Powers: Abundance, Banishing, Divination, Creativity, Fertility, Health, Money, Prosperity

Pumpkins have a lot of history and lore in North America, their area of origin, and as one of the earliest domesticated plants. They are also a huge reason people were able to survive, leading to many poems being written regarding their usefulness.

Pumpkins are known for their high vitamin A content and are high in fiber.

Folklore states that negative energies will be brought in if half a pumpkin is left exposed.

The tradition of carving pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns replaced the Samhain tradition of carving turnips to scare away evil and confuse negative spirits. This was thought necessary during Samhain due to the thinning of the veil.

Lore around the lights in the jack-o-lantern state that it helps guide lost spirits back to their homes.

Pumpkins are grounding and good for manifesting the physical associated with the mother goddess and the earth element.

Due to its biodegradability, pumpkins make great offerings for house spells.

The Romany people have lore that melons and pumpkins can undergo a vampiric transformation, with a drop of blood appearing on their skin during a full moon.

Due to its long-lasting life and multiple seeds, pumpkins represent long-lasting potential and fertility. 

Pumpkins are associated with the sabbats of Mabon and Samhain, as well as Thanksgiving and Halloween.

Pumpkins can also represent long-term abundance, as pumpkins can be kept for a long time before they start to decay.

Magickal Uses:

  1. Pumpkin's biodegradability makes it a perfect offering for use as a cauldron or container for your spellworkings.

  2. Pumpkin divination is specific to loosening lips. Serve pumpkin when you wish to see information be revealed to you.

  3. Place pumpkins on your doorstep to welcome in prosperity.

  4. Decorate your home with pumpkins to absorb negative energies while providing warmth.

  5. Add pumpkin seeds to a witch's satchel and shake when you need some creative energy or help with divination.

  6. Add pumpkin seeds to your money bowl.

  7. Serve soup in a pumpkin bowl for symbolism magick as part of your kitchen witchcraft.

  8. And, of course, cook & bake with pumpkin! There are so many energies it carries; you have plenty of options. I love to create some healing pumpkin soup.


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My name's Maven and witchy momma and writer documentating the wonderfully mundane aspects of the Occult. I like to share my experience with folk, kitchen, and green magick along with other tidbits I find along my journey.

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Image by Annie Spratt

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