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Chocolate Sauce: A Spell for Sensual Pleasure

Being in sensual pleasure is a power we have soon forgotten. Through society, we've been told to push out the idea of pleasure or sensuality. The truth is, this is because it's feared. There is power in pleasure and power in our sensuality.

When we are in our sensual pleasure, we are not only open to accepting our desires from the universe, but we automatically seduce the divine masculine of the 3d to provide our pleasures. The divine masculine wants nothing more than to please and be appreciated.

So here is a chocolate sauce to put you in the energy of sensual pleasure. Add it to a coffee to set the energy in the morning, or use it in the bedroom with a lover (or yourself).

Ingredients and Their Magickal Properties - Kitchen Magick

As I always mention in my recipe posts, the purpose of my work as a kitchen witch relies on knowledge and intention.

Yes, this recipe will still taste delicious without transforming it into a spell. However, knowing your ingredients is essential to utilizing this recipe to help change your mind, body, and spirit.

Below is a list of each added ingredient and its extraordinary power for this recipe. Please note that this is not every magical benefit of this plant or herb; these are just the areas I believe should be focused on for this specific recipe.


Cocoa, incredibly dark chocolate, has very grounding energy in small doses. It helps ground us in our bodies so we can genuinely feel pleasure.

Cocoa is an aphrodisiac, in addition to its magickal attributes of love and heart-healing. It is known to produce serotonin in our brains, which helps enhance pleasure.

The cocoa in this recipe is the powerhouse that gets us into sensual pleasure.

Magickal Powers: Heart-Healing, Grounding, Love, Aphrodisiac


Sugar in small doses is actually quite powerful. The problem is as a society, we tend to overindulge and anything in overindulgences loses its potency.

Sugar is excellent for sweetening. It can sweeten communication, feelings, experiences, you name it. Here we are tapping into sugars power to not only sweeten our pleasure and feelings, but to enhance our experiences to continue the cycle of pleasure.

Magickal Uses: Sweetening


With its warm and comforting aroma, Vanilla is often associated with love and attraction in magickal practices. However, its soothing and nurturing qualities can help relax us into accepting pleasure.

Sometimes, it's not as easy as it sounds, especially with all our shadows around worthiness. We use the vanilla to comfort and relax us into accepting our sensuality and the pleasure that we receive.

Magickal Uses: Love, Comfort

Spell Recipe

Do you need to know how to tap into your magick and turn this into a complete spell? Read my article here.

*When adding your ingredients, remember to focus on the intention of the ingredient while working with it. (I.E., when adding your butter, focus on the intention of nourishment).


  • 1 cup water

  • 3/4 cup cocoa powder

  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar

  • pinch of salt

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Begin by boiling water in a pot

  2. Combine all dry ingredients in a separate bowl and mix to combine.

  3. Once water is boiling, add enough to the dry ingredients to form a paste (about 1/4 cup). Mix until well combined.

  4. Add the chocolate paste into the pot with the rest of the boiling water.

  5. Reduce to medium heat and allow to simmer for 5 minutes.

  6. Remove from heat and allow to cool

  7. Add vanilla extract.

(“Bless this dark delight,

Let passion spark, sensuality ignite.

With each taste, pleasure I embrace,

In this sauce, desire finds its place.”)


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My name's Maven and witchy momma and writer documentating the wonderfully mundane aspects of the Occult. I like to share my experience with folk, kitchen, and green magick along with other tidbits I find along my journey.

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Image by Annie Spratt

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